Friday, January 11, 2013

Mercersburg, Pennsylvania

Truckin' for Jesus:  Perhaps this headstone is meant to be read as one final thank-you note: 'Thank you Jesus for watching over me for so many years on the open road.' Perfectly secular. Perfectly Christian. Alternative interpretation: Jesus endorses Daily Express. The trucking company's name is on the cab door. [2010]

daily express

1 comment:

  1. Who was behind the wheel?

    Was it Kathleen, now deceased or was it Wayne? Both?

    Probabilities are it was Wayne. Apparently he is still alive, getting on with years and retired. Therefore trucking can't be related to his (yet to come) passing, as were other means of transportation on other markers. So, who and what is that marker's theme really commemorating?

    He must have been on the road most of the time and intends to be on it in the hereafter.

    Jesus looms large; Wayne, in the truck, is well on his way. Where is Kathleen?
