Free-Range Figurines: August was the month of free-range figurines. Truth be told, though: None of the figurines were really free-range. They were just symbols of free-range spirits. Now, to end the month, we have something that truly is free-range! But, he is full of life and not a figurine. Hi Jolly Cemetery. [2015]
Welcome to the underWorld! But, we will concentrate on what's on the surface: the living landscapes of the dead. All photographs taken by me, D.J.Z.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Monday, August 26, 2019
Selma, Alabama
Free-Range Figurines: These canines don't look like they are at all interested in free-ranging. They look perfectly content to sit at the feet of their master and smell the roses or wait for the next morsel of food. Do they realize that all food is spiritual in this part of the realm? Lincoln Cemetery. [2013]
Friday, August 23, 2019
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Monday, August 19, 2019
Friday, August 16, 2019
Brunswick, Georgia
Free-Range Figurines: Like birds and butterflies, dolphins range across three dimensions. They can go anywhere, left or right or up or down, in the ocean of water that surrounds the planet. Land-lubbers, like cows and dogs, are so not free-range. City Cemetery. [2012]
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
El Dorado, Arkansas
Free-Range Figurines: What is a better symbol of a free-range spirit: an eagle or a butterfly? In this case, the butterfly is as big as an eagle, so it is hard to say which is better. Butterflies, though, with their aerial antics have become popular symbols of disembodied spirits. Arlington Cemetery. [2018]
Monday, August 12, 2019
Odessa, Delaware
Free-Range Figurines: What is a better symbol of a free-range spirit: an eagle or a hummingbird? Consider how many people have eagles in their backyard and how many people have hummingbirds. And, this one even has a flower to hum about. Drawyers Cemetery. [2018]
Friday, August 9, 2019
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Monday, August 5, 2019
Harristown, Illinois
Free-Range Figurines: Just because it is plastic, doesn't mean it isn't a sculpture. Maybe this pink flamingo is a sign the WL's spent their winters in Florida. This bird seems to have legs to stand on, but no feet, so how free-range can he be? Harristown Cemetery. [2015]
Friday, August 2, 2019
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Free-Range Figurines: He is up on all fours getting ready to ward off any intruders. You might call him a grave guardian; and, if so, his ideological lineage goes back to the sphinx of ancient Egypt. Cemeteries are scattered with sculptural figurines like this, and often they are not part of a headstone or individual memorial. Sunset Memorial Park. [2013]