Friday, February 8, 2013

Barre, Vermont

Focus on Hope Cemetery:  In the early 20th century, immigrants from northern Italy brought their chisels and hammers to the Green Mountains and applied them to one of the world's greatest reserves of tombstone-quality granite. Back in the old country, they had role models like Michelangelo. In Vermont, they became role models. Marking the grave of Albert Ceppi is a bas relief of the sculptor drawing both himself and Jesus out of a granite block: a dual resurrection. [2002]

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful example of the difficulties of interpreting pictorial data correctly:
    I, reverently, believe the man is holding a pneumatic air sander or polisher up to Jesus' beard.
    Others, unfamiliar with Roman script, ill informed about the Christian religion, and unaware of their ethnocentric biases might believe --holy smoke!-- that he is offering the other person the smoking end of a hookah or qalyän.

    To make the correct connections may be quite challenging.
