Monday, February 4, 2013

Barre, Vermont

Focus on Hope Cemetery:  With the Rock of Ages granite quarry next door, you might expect to find the world's best granite memorials on display at Barre's Hope Sculpture Garden. Sorry, Hope Cemetery. How better to say "At Rest" than with a bed (or two: so 1950s!). It looks like the Halvosas are wearing new pajamas. [1983]

Set me as a seal
Upon thine heart
For love is strong
As death
Song of Solomon 8:6

1 comment:

  1. The low relief sculpture is encased in a frame like a pictorial work and thus invites its being read as such.

    The wife being on the left is seen first; but she is on her husband's right side and he gives her his right hand: a highly symbolical gesture. The wife is thus given prominence in the composition.

    The absolute symmetry expresses perfect equality and harmony between the two spouses. They look at each other in the eyes, in each other's souls in unbounded trust and love, and such is the reciprocity that one can feel the strength of their union. The joining of hands creates a permanent connection that nothing, not even death, will break.

    The prominence given to the wife was therefore a deliberate choice, probably on the husband's part (his right hand), ultimate everlasting honoring of his spouse.

    I am deeply moved and though I could write more, out of respect, I will only write the following:

    This bas relief is a quiet but warm lesson in deep loving, in respect and sharing, in knowing happiness from long experience, in living like few people are able to do but as we are meant to; it is an inspiration to emulate their example.

    This is a grave marker that renews one's belief and trust in life.
